Friday, February 24, 2012

Dates and Rego time line

1st Australian Beach Ultimate Championships

The dates are confirmed for Saturday and Sunday 19th and 20th of May with the possibility of Monday 21st if required due to interest from teams.
The location is the lovely southern beaches of the Gold Coast
Offering Open, Women and Mixed divisions - minimum 4 teams require for a division to proceed.

Rego starts with an email of a team's interest to by the March 12th or sooner.
We are asking for team name (and history if any), team contact/manager and region (limits of 4 teams per region/state until we know there is more space from other regions not coming) 
Division and Invites confirmed and team deposits due March 19th (early bird discount) = 4 * player fee  
March 20th to rego closes - team deposit = 4 * player fee plus $100 for every 7 days late.
April 15th - player fee due (on time discount) 
April 16th to 30th - player fee - no discount.
April 30th - rego closes.
May 19-20th - 1st ever Aussie Beach Nats

The player fee will be announced soon

Info about the tourney will be progressively uploaded here on the website so please check back regularly